About Me

Everything starts with a story. As powerful dynamic beings in our otherwise random universe we are capable of meaningful creations and manifestations. The most impressive being the creation of self.  The story of DiAn, of myself, is a dynamic and ongoing saga that currently seats my character as an artist, storyteller, and holistic embodiment coach. I’ve arrived here through many lessons on the intersections of Blackness, queerness, mental health issues, chronic illness, paganism, and the dynamics of relationship building within those realities.  These life experiences and a long stint as a researcher and student teacher in academia have given me volumes of wisdom to share using visual media, poetry, and educational materials.

I look to my storytelling heritage as pedagogy when sharing information from my life experiences, folk medicine, or peer reviewed research. Storytelling in the Geechee south is a time honored tradition and the method by which we share our lives, knowledge, and history. I’ve created thoughtful and holistic programs using active storytelling. This included guided self discovery via call and response co-creation, somatic release, and vibrational attunement – in Geechee hollerin, shoutin, and praise. I always include visuals and self-guided activities to accommodate different learning styles when engaging in groups, or customize the educational experience to an individual’s needs in one on one sessions.

I’m particularly fond of creating visuals to aid and enhance the storytelling process. I welcome the challenge of creating a still art piece by freezing and capturing moments of juxtaposition or dissonance. I enjoy creating art about underrepresented bodies, minds, and practices. While much of my art is inspired by real life events, I also borrow from the stories of friends or community folklore. I find it important to share the stories of marginalized people, because learning people’s personal journeys can be informative, heartwarming, and entertaining. This variety is often lost in the mainstream. It’s pivotal that the stories and creations of marginalized people are shared and celebrated. Not just the trauma that many of us have survived but the whimsy, lightheartedness, and magic that is real as well.

I’m particularly fond of creating visuals to aid and enhance the storytelling process. I welcome the challenge of creating a still art piece by freezing and capturing moments of juxtaposition or dissonance. I enjoy creating art about underrepresented bodies, minds, and practices. While much of my art is inspired by real life events, I also borrow from the stories of friends or community folklore. I find it important to share the stories of marginalized people, because learning people’s personal journeys can be informative, heartwarming, and entertaining. This variety is often lost in the mainstream. It’s pivotal that the stories and creations of marginalized people are shared and celebrated. Not just the trauma that many of us have survived but the whimsy, lightheartedness, and magic that is real as well.

Academic life wasn’t for me, but I realized there is so much knowledge to be shared from and for my communities. In the past I’ve led workshops and private lessons in diversity and inclusion, relationship communication coaching, sexual wellness, and embodied creativity.  My current projects focus heavily on the expressions and embodiment of pleasure specifically in my queer and trans communities. This is true for my visual art, poetry, and educational materials. I’m currently formatting a few holistic sexual wellness workshops for virtual release in August! That will also include lots of new art and self-paced activities.

I’m DiAn, a proud Black queer witch with a big mouth and a bigger heart that is really hard to break despite the cracks and deep fissures. I fight like Goku with my mental health that I wrecked in academia and I make art, stories, and educational materials about aspects of my intersectional identities. What story can we create together?  How will you co-create me to find something new and full of wonder? Check out my services below or follow me on the web to learn more! @DiAnDviation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.