Slowly but surely I’m getting a shop online! I love seeing you all in person at markets but this heat ain’t playing and I’m tryna build more time to do my ministry work too. So here it is for now and it’ll be growing thru the summer.


Chalice and Blade

Chalice and Blade


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11in. x 14in Pearl Gloss Paper art print

Channeling Oya was hand drawn and digitally colored. Oya is a powerful orisha found in diasporic African/Black spiritual systems that have Yoruba influence. I first learned of Oya as a young teen while learning the influence for the character Storm in the X-Men show. Oya is known to bring lightening and violent change. This image is of a character from my webcomic Indigo Sisters (currently on hiatus) who must learn to harness her pain, anger, and loneliness to create forceful change.